Special Lunch

The school year is a busy time for everyone and we want to help make it easier. The Foundation would like to make it so parents pack one less lunch during their busy week. Sign up here to secure pizza on Fridays and a Crack Shack meal on Wednesdays for your child.

Pizza Friday

Pizza Friday ordering is now closed for the 2024-2025 school year!

The Foundation is happy to announce we will be offering Flippin’ Pizza Friday once again! If you choose to sign your child(ren) up for Pizza Friday, every Friday your child will be served hot pizza, cookie, and a drink. The kids look forward to it every Friday and it also helps the Foundation raise money for all of our school events and activities throughout the year.

This meal will consist of the requested number of cheese or pepperoni pizza slices, a juice box, and a cookie.

Sign-ups are split into two parts each school year. One is for before winter break (covering service from September to December), and another is after (covering service from January to June).

This option is available only to Lower and Middle School students and will not be available at the Pre-School Campus. Sorry, no refunds.

Please contact our Special Lunch Team if you have any questions.

Crack Shack Wednesday

Crack Shack Wednesday ordering is now closed for the 2024-2025 school year!

The Rhoades Foundation has partnered with Crack Shack to bring our school a second Foundation-sponsored lunch option for the 2024-2025 school year. This meal will be every Wednesday and will consist of (3) Chicken Tenders OR Grilled Cheese as well as petite fries, juice box, and a cookie.

Sign-ups are split into two parts each school year. One is for before winter break (covering service from September to December), and another is after (covering service from January to June).

This option is available only to Lower and Middle School students and will not be available at the Pre-School Campus. Sorry, no refunds.

Please contact our Special Lunch Team if you have any questions.