The Foundation Board is now Accepting Applications
The Rhoades Foundation would like to invite you to apply to be on the Board of Directors! The Rhoades Foundation is accepting applications from parents who want to be a part of this amazing organization that supports The Rhoades School's teachers, families, and students.
What does the Foundation do?
The Foundation Board plans and executes events throughout the school year in an effort to build a strong community for our students, parents and teachers. In addition to social events, the board is active in teacher appreciation, service learning projects, and fundraising to support their initiatives. It is a very rewarding way to participate in your child's educational experience.
What is required of me as a Board Member?
All Board members are asked to serve a two-year term. Board members attend one monthly meeting as well as take the lead on events or committees and support various activities throughout the calendar year. The time commitment can vary anywhere from 5 hours a month to 2 hours a week. This is a COLLABORATIVE board. Everyone does what they can with the time they have. We honor and respect volunteers with busy lives, and no contribution is too small.
Once a year we ask our community of parents to consider joining our group of volunteers, and now is that time! Applications are now open and close on Friday, March 28th. The new board members will meet with the current Board in May before taking on their positions in June.
For more information, please email us at
To join us, please fill out the application at the link below.